Blockchain 4UM
Blockchain for Urban Mobility (B4UM) is offering training on blockchain technology to the EIT Urban Mobility (EIT UM) community including Innovation Hubs and compiling a set of EIT UM-related use cases.
B4UM provides a complementary, replicable and scalable set of both online and face-to-face educational materials. The approach goes further than most training programmes by
proposing a unique blend of online training – aimed at cities, industry, and R&D organisations – combined with practical, hands-on identification and analysis of specific use cases by engaged stakeholders.
The project also offers support with applications involving blockchain to EIT Urban Mobility city challenges.
Deeper understanding is needed of blockchain technology as a tool to support digital transition within the mobility sector in cities and industry.
Main Objective
Deeper understanding is needed of blockchain technology as a tool to support digital transition within the mobility sector in cities and industry.
- A series of nano-MOOCs to train city and industry managers
- A set of UM blockchain-related use cases
- Support assessing blockchain applications to city challenges